@ILS web siteスタートアップピッチ 基調講演・パネルディスカッションリアルイベント
@虎ノ門ヒルズ全プログラム Overseas Startup Pitch[1st day] フィンランドスタートアップピッチ 日本政策金融公庫ベンチャーピッチ [JETRO] Meet with AI/Digital Health/Automation Overseas Startup EYイスラエルスタートアップミッション ILS TOP100スタートアップピッチ[1st day] Overseas Startup Pitch[2nd day] NEDOドリームピッチ MUFGスタートアップピッチ ブラジルスタートアップピッチ ILS TOP100スタートアップピッチ[2nd day] Overseas Startup Pitch[3rd day] ILS TOP100スタートアップピッチ[3rd day] T-100トップスタートアップピッチ オーストラリアスタートアップピッチ
Promote Iceland (アイスランド) / アイルランド政府商務庁 / 在日英国大使館 / Aniwo (イスラエル) / オーストリア大使館商務部 / オランダ大使館 / Hello Tomorrow (フランス) / ラトビア投資開発公社 / 韓国技術ベンチャー財団 / Vertex Holdings (シンガポール)/ シンガポール企業庁 / スイス大使館 / カタルーニャ州政府貿易投資事務所/ CZECHINVEST (チェコ) / Delta Pacific Partners (米国) / JETRO / A2O / KDDI / UMI / SARR / グローバル・カタリスト・パートナーズ 、グローバル・カタリスト・パートナーズ・ジャパン / SBIインベストメント / 東京大学エッジキャピタル / Beyond Next Ventures
08:50 〜 09:50
- Overseas Startup Pitch[2nd day]
- ピッチ
- 全て英語
- 【対象】大手/VC
- オンライン:チャンネル1

Googleプレミアパートナー: ロケーションインテリジェンス企業
Googleプレミアパートナー: ロケーションインテリジェンス企業

Reinventing data management through AI-powered, automated and unified data management and governance platform that powers innovation and agility.
Reinventing data management through AI-powered, automated and unified data management and governance platform that powers innovation and agility.

Deeplite is enabling AI for everyday life. Deeplite's unique software automatically optimizes and accelerates deep neural networks to run on a multitude of edge devices.
Deeplite is enabling AI for everyday life. Deeplite's unique software automatically optimizes and accelerates deep neural networks to run on a multitude of edge devices.

Adaptive Self-Healing Advanced AI Platform and Solutions.
Adaptive Self-Healing Advanced AI Platform and Solutions.


Thinking outside the [ B O X ]
Thinking outside the [ B O X ]

Next generation Autonomous Virtual Voice Agent
Next generation Autonomous Virtual Voice Agent

17:50 〜 18:40
- Overseas Startup Pitch[2nd day]
- ピッチ
- 全て英語
- 【対象】大手/VC
- オンライン:チャンネル1

Better electricity with lower losses and more capacity, through innovation in cable for distribution grids.
Better electricity with lower losses and more capacity, through innovation in cable for distribution grids.
Power Roll Ltd - A new way to generate and store energy.
Power Roll Ltd - A new way to generate and store energy.

Amp X is developing a grid edge digital energy platform using autonomy and artificial intelligence to provide flexibility, resilience and system stability at lowest cost.
Amp X is developing a grid edge digital energy platform using autonomy and artificial intelligence to provide flexibility, resilience and system stability at lowest cost.

Unlocking biomass potential with torrefaction technology
Unlocking biomass potential with torrefaction technology

Satellite powered Operations & Maintenance for Utility, Energy, Telecom, Transportation, Cities & Natural Resources.
Satellite powered Operations & Maintenance for Utility, Energy, Telecom, Transportation, Cities & Natural Resources.

Performance Driven, Sustainable Solutions - Ingredients for Formulation Chemistry - Safer, Non-Toxic, High Performance, Biodegradable and Sustainable Surfactants
Performance Driven, Sustainable Solutions - Ingredients for Formulation Chemistry - Safer, Non-Toxic, High Performance, Biodegradable and Sustainable Surfactants

Power by Contact - The New Cableless Charging technology
Power by Contact - The New Cableless Charging technology


nanoGUARD the world
nanoGUARD the world
18:40 〜 19:20
- Overseas Startup Pitch[2nd day]
- ピッチ
- 全て英語
- 【対象】大手/VC
- オンライン:チャンネル1


Apostera bringing Mixed Reality capabilities to vehicle. We merges the virtual and real worlds helping drivers understand in an exact way where to make a maneuver.
Apostera bringing Mixed Reality capabilities to vehicle. We merges the virtual and real worlds helping drivers understand in an exact way where to make a maneuver.

Smart Access Control and Virtual Queueing
Smart Access Control and Virtual Queueing

Brain behind the eye.
Brain behind the eye.

VividQ powers next-generation displays in AR wearables, HUDs and consumer electronics using computer-generated holography.
VividQ powers next-generation displays in AR wearables, HUDs and consumer electronics using computer-generated holography.

Metaverse Enabler for Enterprises
Metaverse Enabler for Enterprises